Job Postings

Job Postings as a sales trigger

Receive global job ads in real time that provide you with valuable buying signals. With precise filters, you can immediately find companies that are actively looking for new employees - and thus represent the ideal sales contact.

Detailed Job Posting
Allgemeiner Hintergrund
Leading European sales teams book more meetings with Venta AI
Edgeless Systems
Soft Face
Why Venta AI

Stop searching start acting

Imagine how your daily work routine changes from hours of confusing research to a targeted and fast approach. Experience the difference when you can take advantage of sales opportunities as soon as they arise.

Without job signals

Manual search

You browse through countless job boards and often miss the perfect moment.

Delayed reaction

Slow response times mean that you only reach potential customers days after publication - leaving opportunities untapped.

Targeted outreach with

Realtime Updates

Job posts are retrieved globally in almost real time - immediately available for your sales activities.

Precise Filter

With individual search parameters such as location, name, time of publication, activity status, remote options and keywords, you can find exactly the relevant ads.

Instant outreach

Daily screening allows you to contact companies within 24 hours of publication, shortening your sales cycle.

Start your 7-day free trial
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Made for Europe
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Made in Germany
Made in Germany
Headquartered in Munich
Allgemeiner Hintergrund

Monitoring job posts 24/7

Venta AI turns global job ads into direct buying signals. Our tool works tirelessly, filtering and analyzing job posts so that you always have the best sales opportunities in view.

Analyzing job posts globally

Our AI scans job boards worldwide and records job advertisements on a daily basis. This allows you to immediately identify companies that are currently looking for employees and could potentially become new customers.

Global Job Posts

Precise filters

With individual filters such as location, name, time of publication, activity status and specific keywords, you can pinpoint exactly the ads that match your sales profile - for an efficient and targeted approach.

Filter the relevant jobs

Immediate reaction

Thanks to up-to-the-minute screening, you can reach companies immediately after the job advertisement is published. This significantly shortens your sales cycle and allows you to make the most of sales opportunities.

Immediate Reaction
Start your 7-day free trial
Hohe Datenschutzkonformität und DSGVO
Made for Europe
Y-Combinator Logo
Backed by
Made in Germany
Made in Germany
Headquartered in Munich
Allgemeiner Hintergrund

Frequently asked questions

Venta AI finds thousands of relevant company contacts every day and helps you reach them quickly - so you can focus on what really matters: the human contact.

Start your 7-day free trial
Hohe Datenschutzkonformität und DSGVO
Made for Europe
Y-Combinator Logo
Backed by
Made in Germany
Made in Germany
Headquartered in Munich
How do the real-time updates work?

nta AI globally retrieves job ads every 24 hours to then deliver relevant companies according to your filter settings.

What filter options are available?

You can filter by location, title, publication date, activity status, remote options and keywords. This allows you to quickly find the relevant job posts for your sales department

How does the feature integrate into my workflow?

The Job Post function integrates with the other Venta AI modules. For example, companies can be automatically contacted directly after a job advertisement has been published.

On which job boards does Venta AI find open positions?

Venta AI currently finds open positions on LinkedIn

Can I also search for the content of job advertisements?

Yes Venta AI also allows you to search using keywords contained in the job advertisements.

Allgemeiner Hintergrund